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Four Ways to Organize & Clean Your Kitchen Cabinents

Spring cleaning is a fantastic way to clear that clutter and help restore that renewed feeling! First, start by planning ahead. Before you start dumping out all your spices and pans, begin by writing categories on sticky notes and placing them where you envision things to go. Next, be sure to prioritize your items. For instance, place the items you use the most at eye level, and reserve higher shelves for the items you use the least. Another simple way to de-clutter is to categorize your items as best you can- canned goods, kid’s snacks, grains and so on. Feel free to use handled baskets or storage containers to maximize your use of space! And lastly, don’t be afraid to throw away unused items or donate them. This will help you see what you actually use and will prevent you from buying doubly at the store.

However you choose to tackle kitchen cleaning, don’t be afraid to get creative and do what works for you!