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Fulshear Family Starts Non-Profit Organization

In recent news, a local Fulshear, Tx family made headlines when they started a non-profit organization to help others. James and Kris Buescher’s love story started as young teenagers about ten years ago. These fourteen year olds were both aspiring race car drivers, a common interest that carried their relationship until they got married in 2011. James and Kris had always hoped to adopt children, as they were told that it would be very difficult to conceive a baby on their own.

With a little bit of faith and a large financial investment, the Buescher’s were finally able to adopt a son, Stetson, who is now a year old. Luckily for this family, James was a very successful NASCAR driver and the $60,000 adoption fee was not a problem for the young family. However, the strenuous adoption process got this family to start thinking of others who might be in a similar situation. The average American family cannot afford to adopt a child, and there are countless children who need good homes.

With that in mind, the Buescher’s created the Buescher Foundation, a nonprofit organization that would provide financial grants to those looking to adopt domestically, as well as emotional support and guidance through the long process of adoption. With the launching of this foundation on November 1, 2014, the Buescher family is excited to be able to help and support other hopeful couples in the adoption process.

The Buescher family also recently announced the birth of their little girl, Presley, who was actually conceived naturally by James and Kris. This family of four has their hands full!

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