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Pet Friendly Gardening Tips

Love gardening? Love your pet? With summer approaching, our backyard landscapes and furry friends can sometimes be caught into a faceoff. It’s important to keep your pet’s needs in mind when planning any outdoor modifications, whether it’s a wooded area or waterfront.


Be cautious about what type of mulch or fertilizer you buy for your yard, try to find something organic or pet friendly. Even at that, try to make sure you pet does not ingest any as it could cause stomach issues. Next, remember that an animal’s yard his territory. They like to wander and explore the edges and perimeter of the yard; try to leave a few feet free of vegetation as it is likely to get trampled if not. Continuing, fencing is a necessary feature for a yard, but consider something new if your fence is blocking any and all views to another yard. Maybe set up a transparent window at your dog’s eye level! Lastly, how do you stop you pet from digging up your beautifully landscaped yard? It might be worthwhile to make your dog a digging area of his own-like a sandbox- with dirt, mulch, etc., where he or she can dig freely!



Gardening and your pets don’t have to be in opposition, it’s all about finding a balance!

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